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Hello A Boutea lovers, are you looking for the latest A Boutea Menu? You have arrived at the right place then. We have uploaded their complete menu with pictures & updated prices. Below you will find the latest Lists of A Boutea Menu 2024 Hong Kong with prices.

A Boutea Menu Hong Kong 2024 With Prices List


Peach Oolongfrom HK$ 34
Brown Sugar Bubble Oolong Milk Teafrom HK$ 34
Osmanthus Oolong Teafrom HK$ 30
Brown Sugar Bubble Fresh Milkfrom HK$ 39
Taro Fresh milkfrom HK$ 43
Brown Sugar Bubble Milk Teafrom HK$ 33

Taro Balls

Leopard Taro BallsHK$ 48

Autumn Chrysanthemum Specials

Chrysanthemum Honey Green Teafrom HK$ 31
Chrysanthemum Honey with White Gourd Teafrom HK$ 34

Summer Specials

Osmanthus Oolong Teafrom HK$ 30
Osmanthus Oolong Milk Teafrom HK$ 33
Lychee Green Teafrom HK$ 33

Brown Sugar Bubble

Brown Sugar Bubble Fresh Milkfrom HK$ 39
Brown Sugar Bubble Milk Teafrom HK$ 33
Brown Sugar Bubble Oolong Milk Teafrom HK$ 34
Brown Sugar Bubble Matcha Milkfrom HK$ 43
Brown Sugar Bubble Cocoa Milkfrom HK$ 43
Brown Sugar Bubble Fresh Milkfrom HK$ 42

Tea Latte

Black Tea Lattefrom HK$ 33
Oolong Tea Lattefrom HK$ 34
Green Tea Lattefrom HK$ 33

Fresh Fruit Tea

Lemon Iced Teafrom HK$ 31
Peach Oolongfrom HK$ 34
Mango Iced Teafrom HK$ 34
Grapefruit Iced Teafrom HK$ 33
Strawberry Black Teafrom HK$ 31
Pineapple Iced Teafrom HK$ 33
Orange Green Teafrom HK$ 33


Orange Yakultfrom HK$ 34
Green Tea Yakultfrom HK$ 33
Strawberry Yakultfrom HK$ 34
Pineapple Yakultfrom HK$ 34

Original Tea

Assam Black Teafrom HK$ 24
Golden Oolongfrom HK$ 25
Jade Green Teafrom HK$ 24
Mingjian Seasons Teafrom HK$ 25
White Gourd Teafrom HK$ 27

Milk Tea

Bubble Milk Teafrom HK$ 33
Azuki Bean Milk Teafrom HK$ 33
Original Milk Teafrom HK$ 28
Oolong Milk Teafrom HK$ 30
Bubble Green Milk Teafrom HK$ 33
Azuki Bean Green Milk Teafrom HK$ 33
Green Milk Teafrom HK$ 28
Cocoa Milk Teafrom HK$ 31


Matcha Fresh Milkfrom HK$ 38
Matcha Azuki Bean milkfrom HK$ 43
Cocoa Fresh Milkfrom HK$ 38
Hojicha Fresh Milkfrom HK$ 43
Taro Fresh milkfrom HK$ 43

Tea Bag

Peach Oolong TeaHK$ 148
High Mountain Tea (60g)HK$ 148
Jasmine Green Tea (60g)HK$ 148
Oriental Beauty Tea (60g)HK$ 148
Osmanthus Oolong Tea (60g)HK$ 148
Peach OolongHK$ 128
Osmanthus OolongHK$ 128
A Boutea Menu Hong Kong

How many branches does A Boutea have in Hong Kong?

45 more than branches are A Boutea has in Hong Kong.

Who is the owner of A Boutea Hong Kong?

Maureen Loh is the owner of A Boutea Hong Kong

Does A Boutea accept credit cards?

Yes! A Boutea accepts credit cards.

Is A Boutea Halal?

A Boutea halal status is a matter of debate and personal interpretation. Some believe it is halal, while others do not. It is up to each individual to decide for themselves.

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Roselle Miranda


Hi there! I’m Roselle Miranda, a passionate food enthusiast from the Philippines who loves to cook, eat, and share my culinary adventures with the world.

Through my blog, I aim to provide valuable insights into the food industry, inspire others to cook and experiment with different flavors and offer practical tips on how to make the most out of each culinary experience.

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